Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Day One Hundred Fifty Seven

First Meal

  • leftover Argentinian stuffed chicken (with egg, yellow pepper, raisins, prunes, oregano)
  • balsamic & garlic green beans
  • brown rice
  • nectarine

When I first cooked this chicken, I was really down on it because I'd overcooked some of the ingredients and others just tasted awful. Reheating didn't do it many favors, but it was slightly more tolerable this time around, if only because it was a smaller portion than the first. The green beans improved immensely with some time to marinate in the vinegar, garlic & oil, but they were the only shining moment in an otherwise pretty dreadful meal.

I can't really even explain why I didn't like this so much, but I've been putting off eating it for days and was just as displeased as I thought I'd be when I finally got around to it. Incidentally, I didn't eat at all today until late evening, adding extreme hunger to my dissatisfaction.

Second Meal

  • waffle with light syrup
  • soy nuts
  • vegetarian bacon
  • red grapes
  • light chocolate soy milk

This used to be my favorite meal, but the soy nuts got annoying to eat. Furthermore, the grapes had seeds in them, making it more of a dissection process than an enjoyable meal. Still love waffles and chocolate soy milk though!

I didn't bother with a third meal or snack, seeing as I'd loathed my first two so much. I'm also on a really wonky sleep schedule, and since I had zero physical activity, I don't feel so bad skipping.

I'm sure part of my messed-up sleep is to do with eating meals at such irregular times. Somehow my avoidance of cooking is making me put things off way past a reasonable time-frame, and then I am only beginning to get my energy going at the end of the day. I have to work on this.

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