Thursday, March 01, 2007

Day Twenty One

I didn't have any classes today, but I'd stayed up really late last night (probably because I'm on some warped schedule from all these late-night work sessions lately). I decided to take it easy today, slept in nice and late, and did some relaxing projects.


  • peppers and eggs with salt, black pepper, and Parmesan cheese
  • reduced fat Triscuits
  • vegetarian bacon
  • raisins
  • skim milk

This is my luxury meal, the one that I can do with my eyes shut and always enjoy immensely. It doesn't actually take that long (especially in this case, since I had diced the pepper earlier in the week when we didn't have eggs), but I like to eat it slowly and enjoy all the textures and flavors.

I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but I just can't stop nuking the bejesus out of vegetarian foods. As with last night's Gardenburger, I really overcooked the facon - you can see the scorch marks in the center of the top piece. Perhaps I'll have to read the instructions next time and get a more accurate sense of time.


  • Lean Cuisine Salisbury steak with macaroni & cheese
  • fresh herb salad with lite creamy Parmesan dressing
  • kiwi

I dreaded this meal after the last Lean Cuisine was such a disappointment, but it was unbelievably good! Really tasty and satisfying, and the salad was some kind of perfection.

I'd seen kiwis sliced like this in a Martha Stewart spread, so I thought I'd give it a try, that maybe they'd be a little easier to eat than the gooey slices I usually prepare. Not so much. Also, it was unsettling to have a different proportion of seeds, middle, core etc in each bite - I think I'll go back to slices.


  • Gardenburger on whole wheat bread with barbecue sauce
  • fresh herb salad with cucumber and lite creamy Parmesan dressing
  • sliced kiwi
  • skim milk

Good old stand-by. I cooked the burger better this time and found it moist, tender, and really quite enjoyable. The salad was very refreshing.


  • chocolate rice cakes with Smart Balance peanut butter

This snack was very tasty, as usual.

It was a relief to make it through another day without blowing the diet.

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