Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Day Twenty Six

I didn't have classes today, so I ended up sleeping really late. I also stayed up late studying for a midterm, so generally, I'd say my sleep schedule is shot.


  • whole grain Total with raisins, almonds & skim milk
  • low-fat cottage cheese

I like this breakfast. It's pretty much always satisfying.


  • whole wheat fusili with pepper, tomato, onion, garlic, pickled jalapeƱo slices, spices and ricotta cheese
  • fresh herb salad with carrots and lite creamy Parmesan dressing
  • green grapes

When I went to cook this recipe (which I've made before recently), the leftover tofu in the fridge was disgusting and rotten. The grocery was already closed, so I just slogged through it without the tofu, knowing it would be protein deficient. I added more ricotta than the recipe called for and was heavy-handed with the spices, particularly in light of the jalapeƱos I added. Still it was tasty, hot and mostly satisfying. The salad and grapes were a refreshing counterpoint.


  • reduced fat Triscuits with hummus masbacha
  • baby carrots

Still a favorite, still delicious.

I wonder how many ways I can photograph this snack?


  • Gardenburger on a whole wheat roll with barbecue sauce
  • fresh herb salad with cucumber and lite creamy Parmesan dressing
  • green grapes
  • skim milk

I think one of the greatest pleasures of this meal is slicing fresh cucumber, which is one of my very favorite smells. This was tasty and satisfying - just what the doctor ordered for some late-night studying.

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