Otherwise everything looked good, and I was immensely pleased, looking forward to getting a good start.
- Cranberry granola bar
- Dannon Light n' Fit Creamy rasberry yogurt
- 3 prunes
I spread this out over the beginning of my day, so I didn't find myself hungry at all. I forgot how much I actually love yogurt, and I am enthused to now have a fridge full of it.
- Chicken Stew with Barley
- Romaine hearts with fat-free Italian dressing
- low-fat cottage cheese
I realized that the types of foods I'm eating are very similar to e-diets meals, with the major exception being that all I had to do was pop open a container and heat it in the microwave for a minute. The ease of this diet is fantastic, and I found my first hot meal to be quite delicious and satisfying.
- 3 prunes
- Stonyfield Farms fat-free key lime yogurt
I was stoked that they had a snack on the meal plan in addition to the dessert meal (which is sometimes sweet, sometimes salty). Basically they call for a serving of fruit and a dairy or protein. Now maybe I sound more like 84 than 24, but I really love prunes, so I enjoyed these a lot. The yogurt was a great pick-me-up and, if possible, even tastier than the one I had earlier. Key lime is delicious!
- turkey with dumplings
- 2 servings French-cut green beans
- 3 prunes
- 4 walnut halves
Oh man. Fantastic. The dumplings were actually great, and the turkey was tender and flavorful. The sauce was not too heavy and not too much like gravy, so I loved it. I was a little confused about the 2 servings of vegetables with one meal, but it was easy enough to just double the amount of green beans I heated. I have to work my way up to different fruits, given today's prune addiction, but it was about all I had room for anyway. I had been excited to have a teaspoon of peanut butter for my "Fat" serving, but then discovered we didn't have any (whoops), so I went for the walnuts instead and found them surprisingly good.
- NutriCrunch chocolates
Perhaps I am predictable, but these were far and away my favorite thing I ate today. They're made mostly with protein, but the chocolate flavor is out of this world. I wish I had ordered many more of these because - wow - I would eat them even if they weren't diet food!
I'm exceptionally happy with the way this diet worked out today. I found it was effortless to pop the food in the microwave and chow down. This ease of preparation also made me look forward to meals instead of dread having to get out a skillet and start slaving over the stove.
Something else that's worked out just great - I actually drank the proper amount of water today and then some. This past weekend at Costco I picked up a case of bottled water and a big box of Crystal Light lemonade mix. Keeping a cold pitcher of lemonade in the fridge is just the best treat in August and made me happily guzzle down my recommended fluids (which admittedly, I've always been really bad with). I actually haven't had any Diet Coke all day, which is... sort of miraculous really. Way to go hydration!
I have to go read through the exercise booklet and do the prescribed exercise for today before going to bed. I'm so thrilled they make this a comprehensive program that - I can't say it enough - is SO EASY. I'm confident I will have success this time!
Hi V,
Good luck on NutriSystem! I really hope it works well for you.
I wanted to comment on your post "What It Means to Be Fat" but every time I start to write something it comes out ridiculously trite.
So, I'll just say that it really touched me and I wish you nothing but success in reaching not only a healthier lifestyle, but a healthier frame of mind as well.
Thank you so much :)
I really appreciate the support!
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