On top of that, I was watching TV, and I kept seeing a blitz of commercials for Dominos - they were offering free brownie bites with hot fudge dipping sauce when you ordered any large pizza. Despite living in a city full of amazing food, my weakest spot is for Dominos pizza, so this commercial was driving me absolutely crazy. I was SO tempted to go off my diet and pig out, especially seeing as I'm not making any progress (I don't think my body will go below 180 if I don't start exercising).
- chocolate crisp cereal with skim milk
- sliced peaches
- Stonyfield Farms maple vanilla yogurt
I went to the store to pick up more fruit and yogurt but found the produce section offering little besides those awful flavorless strawberries (the store on the corner is still renovating, so I think they're deliberately keeping their stock low). I went with canned fruit instead and found these peaches divine. I also realized that I kept putting off the plainer fruit varieties of yogurt, so I picked up the kinds I really liked instead. I mean yogurt's yogurt, right? I'm so glad I made that decision, as now the yogurt is a reward instead of something I have to eat. And the maple vanilla was just fantastic.
- spicy Oriental noodles with vegetables
- salad with fat-free Italian dressing
- Stonyfield Farms caramel underground yogurt
This meal was perfection. The noodles were another one of those Cup Noodles-style containers, but unlike the disappointing fettuccini alfredo, these came out exactly how I wanted. They were actually spicy, with an interesting flavor and perfect texture - I was so happy. The yogurt was as close as I've ever had to dulce de leche ice cream (one of my other biggest temptors), so of course I was ecstatic.
- sliced peaches
- low-fat cottage cheese
I continued staving off cravings from those evil Dominos commercials (I even stopped watching the show I was watching because they kept airing at every break on that channel) - this time I told myself that cottage cheese was just as good as gooey mozzarella. Of course it wasn't, but it did taste good. I loved the peaches again, but I couldn't even pretend I would have preferred those to the brownie bites.
- lasagna with meat sauce
- peas & carrots
- sliced peaches
- roasted peanuts
The obvious choice would have been to have the pizza meal for dinner, but I knew it wasn't going to be as good as real pizza, so I opted for some delicious lasagna instead. It had great sauce and good meaty flavor, but not as much cheese as I would have liked. Inexplicably, there were also beans mixed in. The spinach I could understand, but beans in lasagna is just weird.
I ate the peanuts earlier as my fat serving, and those were wonderful. I was so happy to be eating something "normal" that I ordinarily liked.
- chocolate fudge cake
Obviously I was still thinking about those brownies, so I dove into the desserts box and came up with a small, heavenly-smelling cake. It reminded me of a brownie in its shape and smell, and even though the flavor wasn't perfect, it was pretty damn good. I was proud of myself for resisting the constant urges to blow off the diet and gorge on pizza and brownie bites, but I can't promise I won't do it at some point when I really need a treat.
Though I vastly prefer this diet to the previous one, I am getting a little tired of dieting overall, as I've been doing it for six months now. I need to develop an addictive love of exercise so that I can start making some damn progress and be able to indulge more in the foods I really enjoy.
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