Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Atkins, Day Thirteen

I was so worn out from the past two days' work that I slept late, then when I finished running errands in the afternoon, slept some more. My boyfriend woke me up to eat, but I was mostly dead to the world. It's been a long semester.
  • 2:00 pm - piece of Trident

  • 4:25 pm - 16 oz Diet Coke

  • 4:30 pm - raspberry Jello, half a Soyjoy mango coconut bar

  • 10:10 pm - beef curry made with artichoke hearts, 16 oz Diet Coke

  • 12:32 am - 16 oz diet iced green tea

  • 2:30 am - big chunk of Cheddar cheese

The beef curry was unfortunately very disappointing. We had a big package of ground beef on the edge of going bad, and I think we just missed being able to get away with it. My boyfriend cooked this for a really long time to try to get that old meat flavor out, but it still pervaded the larger pieces. It's a shame because the curry sauce he made was really quite tasty.

As I was falling asleep, I thought to myself that it would be a very good idea to go to the grocery in the morning.

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