- cereal with almonds, raisins, wheat germ & skim milk
This is probably my most commonly-eaten meal, and I'm glad I usually have the ingredients on hand. Eating this keeps me from making really bad decisions first thing in the morning (or whenever I have it) and sets me solidly on track for the day.
- peppers & eggs, vegetarian bacon, Triscuits, milk & sliced kiwi
I know - what is this meal doing here? The truth is, I didn't feel like preparing the dish I'd planned (originally the same dish I planned last night for dinner - I'm really dreading it I guess). Since the meals are interchangeable, I decided I could have a meal I really enjoyed and could prepare quickly, rather than struggling to find something easier to make out of the ingredients I had.
I'm so glad I didn't substitute a bowl of cereal as I'd thought to do, as this meal was much more satisfying and flavorful.
- Triscuits with jalapeno hummus & skim milk
I know it looks like a dallop of snot, or maybe mustard, but this hummus was quite delicious. Not quite as good as that crazy spicy three-pepper hummus, but tangier and a little less fiery in its flavor, which made for a great snack.
It occurred to me as I was finishing the milk that while I really enjoy soy crisps and juice, they are nowhere near as satisfying as Triscuits, hummus & milk. This combination actually felt like a meal.
- cereal with almonds, raisins, wheat germ & skim milk
You know, I've seen these diets where you replace two meals a day with a bowl of cereal, and I've always thought I could never do them, that I'd get bored or be too hungry... but when faced with a messy kitchen and zero desire to cook, suddenly cereal is looking mighty fine.
As I poured the milk, I realized that I've gone through an entire quart today, which is problematic... the meals that I've had called for 1 cup, 3/4 cup, 1/2 cup & 1 cup respectively, so while I'm kind of close to the 4 cups in a quart (total=3-1/4 cups), I'm over by a good 3/4 cup. I mentally comforted myself by saying at least it was skim milk (I'm allowed 1% or even 2%), but still, it's not like it's devoid of calories. I'm thinking I will probably have to start measuring milk again until I can get my pours metered more accurately. Every little bit counts.
I had to go to the grocery to get cat food and other sundries this evening, and I went to a different place with aisles full of exotic and fabulous treats. I stuck to my list and the only indulgence I allowed was a bag of sugar-free Hershey's dark chocolate, of which I had one piece. I know it was stupid to buy them in the first place - even stupider to lie to myself and say they were for the boyfriend because he is out of town at the moment - but it could have been a much, much more foolish choice, all things considered. If one piece of dark chocolate can keep me from sabotaging myself in worse ways, then it's a small price to pay.