Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Day One Hundred Sixteen


  • peppers & eggs with black pepper & parmesan cheese
  • vegetarian bacon
  • Triscuits
  • raisins
  • milk

Feeling disgusted with myself and more than a little bit queasy from yesterday's grossly unhealthy eating, I resolved to have a solid day of nutritious meals on the meal plan.

This was definitely a good start, as it is one of my favorite meals.


  • onion & garlic soy crisps
  • cranberry juice

Interesting how the cranberry juice resembles red wine from this view.

I was very hungry while preparing lunch & dinner (I cooked them together), so this snack was good to stave off other unapproved snacking.


  • pepper stuffed with tofu, garlic, onion, cheese, rice & corn
  • cranberry juice (not pictured

This is the first time I tried this recipe and found it absolutely fantastic, despite all the preparation involved. I think it was to do with the cheese, which was obviously my favorite part. There was entirely too much stuffing to fit into one pepper, which made me decide that when I make them again, I will use those large, oversized peppers currently exploding off the store's shelves.

I didn't bother preparing a fruit, but I had been sipping at cranberry juice all afternoon and took some big gulps to add up to the serving size.


I'll admit I ate this second pepper very soon after the first, probably within two hours. I didn't even wash my plate in between.

I had actually had a different dish planned (thinking I'd have the second pepper for lunch tomorrow) but laziness and appetite got the better of me.

At least I didn't order pizza, right?

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