Monday, June 26, 2006

Day One Hundred Twenty Eight

  • omelette made with eggs, peppers & feta cheese (not pictured)

I stayed over my boyfriend's mother's house, and my boyfriend made omelettes for breakfast. He was so sweet, trying to approximate the peppers and eggs meal... unfortunately this was the only even remotely healthy thing I would eat today.

Afternoon Binge
  • chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich
  • 1/2 giant peanut butter cookie
  • bologna & cheese sandwich with mayonnaise

We stopped at a gas station on our drive home and pigged out on horrifying snacks. After this weekend's general gluttony, my boyfriend turned to me and asked "Wait, we're still not back on our diets??" We agreed to one more day of gut-busting unhealthfulness and then a concerted effort... again.

Evening Binge
  • cheesy bread with garlic butter and marinara sauce
  • chicken kickers with bleu cheese dipping sauce
  • 1/2 thin-crust sausage pizza
  • cinna-stix with vanilla icing

Yeah umm... poisoning myself with Domino's. Now that I am full of several pounds of disgusting food, I have about a half-ton of guilt and self-loathing to accompany it.

Diet? What diet? I really enjoy being fat... sigh...

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