Friday, June 23, 2006

Day One Hundred Twenty Five


  • Total with almonds, wheat germ, sliced strawberries & milk

After such a debacle yesterday, I wanted something refreshing and light, and this meal was exactly the right idea. I realized that I usually start the days pretty healthy, and it's in my dinner-time decision-making that I blow the diet.


  • pita-bread pizza made with salsa, mushrooms & low-fat cheese
  • strawberries

Committed to making responsible decisions today, I prepared both lunch and dinner at the same time. Ordinarily this would be made with spinach and tomato sauce, but as I had neither, I used some salsa - I reasoned that the vegetable content in the salsa could perhaps pass, though I realize it's not really the same.

Of course it was incredibly delicious and ultimately more satisfying than if I had ordered delivery pizza (as I'd had in mind).


  • pita-bread pizza made with salsa, mushrooms & low-fat cheese
  • strawberries

Since I'd prepared this ahead, it was very easy to pop in the microwave and enjoy later. The salsa had soaked into the pita some, making it somehow more flavorful and gooey than the first, which I really enjoyed.

It felt good to eat healthy meals and gave me confidence that I wasn't a total screw-up with no will-power. Of course, we're having house-guests this weekend and my boyfriend and I already agreed we would just enjoy ourselves and eat whatever we wanted, so in a way, I realized I'm setting myself up to fail. Perhaps I can find a happy medium between food which is healthy and enjoyable.

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