- Total with almonds, raisins, wheat germ & milk
Back home, and back to my standard meals. Cannot complain, as I always love the whole grain Total, but I will admit, I sort of craved the Special K. Maybe I will pick up a box next time I'm buying cereal.
- Triscuits with jalapeno hummus
- skim milk
I realized just how much I prefer the spicy three pepper hummus to the jalapeno. It seems like they should taste almost the same and yet... no dice. Again, will have to look for it next time I'm running low. I kept chuckling while preparing this, saying "you-muss" to myself in my father's style.
- red pepper stuffed with tofu, rice, corn, onion, garlic, mozzarella, oregano & parsley
- blueberries
I ate this meal in waves. To prepare the peppers, you first have to cook the filling, then bake the peppers with the filling stuffed in. Now last time I made them, more than half of the filling didn't fit in the peppers, so I used the biggest peppers I could find and still had quite a bit left over. While the peppers cooked, I ate that and noticed it's a different flavor without soaking in the pepper's juices, but every so often I'd hit upon a cluster of cheese and garlic and it was fabulous.
By the time the pepper came out of the oven I wasn't sure I was hungry, but having gotten a taste of the way the tofu absorbed the red pepper flavor, I suddenly found a lot of appetite. It was delicious.
After enjoying my New Jersey blueberries so much I decided to get some myself, and I was very pleased to find some that were definitely up to par. Just goes to show, I have to look more carefully when I'm at the store. $4.99 for a pint though... ouch.
- red pepper stuffed with tofu, rice, corn, onion, garlic, mozzarella, oregano & parsley
- mozzarella
After sitting for a while and then getting reheated, the filling absorbed even more flavor and became fantastic. Weirdly, the microwave softened the pepper's skin more than baking it all that time did, so it more closely resembled roast pepper in texture. I contemplated preparing it that way in the future (seeing as the filling is already cooked and warmed)... will have to see.
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