Monday, February 19, 2007

Day Eleven

I pulled an all-nighter getting my work done, then grabbed a few hours of sleep in the mid-morning.


  • ham & cheese sandwich
  • skim milk (not pictured)
  • small apple

Good start, and a tasty meal. The apple was surprisingly sweet and tasty. I don't usually buy apples this time of year since they tend to be so mealy and tasteless, but this one was included with the soup yesterday so I went for it. Glad I did.


  • beef tacos with pickled jalapeƱos and fresh cilantro
  • mashed carrots
  • honey tangerine

The taco filling was leftover from last night and quite delicious. Sometimes I think I could eat tacos everyday.

The carrots were a hassle, as I decided I didn't just want them steamed, but mashed. I got in a huge fight with my boyfriend over the food processor and nonsensical things, and I'm sure it was because I was over-tired and cranky. Perhaps that also contributed to my lack of enjoyment with the carrots.

  • chocolate rice cakes with peanut butter (not pictured)


  • beef tacos with pickled jalapeƱos and fresh cilantro

Can't mess with perfection. I omitted the salad and fruit I was supposed to have with it. I was just too tired.

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