Friday, February 09, 2007

Long time, no see

A lot has gone on since the last time I posted. I got really busy with schoolwork and all the accompanying stress and anxiety I could handle, then I had a really dramatic health incident that resulted in hospitalization the week before Christmas.

Everything is fine now, but when I spoke with the emergency room doctor, he suggested I go on a rather bland, whole grain and sort of "real food" based diet until I was feeling completely better. In that time I discovered an intense love for bran muffins, and I had a lot of time to think about my health.

Over Christmas, I slugged around my parents' house and ate ridiculous amounts of rich, fatty food and sweets, which I imagine put back on most of the weight I'd lost up to that point (I've been afraid to weigh in). Despite promising myself I would calm down and focus on my health and well-being, I ate a bunch of junk and didn't exercise at all for the remainder of my winter break, then focused all my attention on the new semester at school.

Where I'm going with all this is that it's been almost a year since I resolved to significantly change my lifestyle, and I've made very little progress since then. I think now that I've got my schoolwork and schedule under control, it's time to focus on my health again, and I would like to use this blog to that effect once more.

Around New Year's I canceled my NutriSystem membership, but I still have E-Diets, so I will probably go back to that meal plan. The main emphasis, I feel, should probably be on exercise, since that was the critical lacking component of my last attempt. I know that I can't maintain a completely strict and obsessive adherence to a meal plan or workout routine without compromising my performance in school (sometimes I just have to grab something from the cafeteria in 10 minutes between classes or stay at the library until it closes), but I can at least try.

So, let's see how it goes.

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