Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dinner, Day Eighty-Three

  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese mixed with 1/4 cup dried papaya and Sweet n' Low
  • 10 Triscuits
  • 1 cup lettuce with splash of balsamic vinegar

I still haven't been in the mood for cooking, and this is one of the easier and more delicious non-cooking options. It did not work as well with papaya as it had with pineapple - somehow there was a pervasive bitter, chemical taste, which may also have been the Sweet n' Low (we usually use Splenda).

I also have not resolved the salad dressing situation (i.e. all the stores around me seem only to stock full-fat dressings), though a splash of balsamic vinegar was definitely flavorful and delicious.

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