Friday, February 24, 2006

Lunch, Day Seven

  • pork stir-fry made with 3-1/2 oz. lean pork, 1 carrot, 1 stalk celery, 1-1/2 cups green beans, garlic & teriyaki sauce
  • 1/4 cup brown rice
  • 1/2 cup fruit cocktail

This was actually scheduled as my evening meal, but I bumped it ahead of the "afternoon" meal so I could have it with my boyfriend. We both enjoyed this dish immensely and agreed that we would eat it even if we weren't dieting.

I've been on a very strange schedule lately because of school and projects that are looming, so when I say "lunch," I'm actually eating it usually in the early evening, and the dinner is usually in the late evening, like 11pm or midnight (or even later). I wonder if this has any negative metabolic effects, especially in light of that old wives' tale that you will gain weight if you eat meals late at night or close to bed time. Generally speaking though, I'm up several more hours after the second meal, so it's not like I'm just wolfing food and going to bed.

I would like to get my sleep together because I do know that that effects the body's ability to function properly and that poor sleep is just as depleting (if not moreso) than poor nutrition.

At least I've curbed late-night bingeing, right?

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