Friday, March 31, 2006

Lunch, Day Forty-Two

  • ham & Caesar salad sandwich wrap with cheese
  • 1 apple

I wasn't able to leave campus at lunchtime, as I had too much work to get done for my afternoon class. I went to the cafeteria, but I didn't have a lot of cash on me, so I needed to find something substantive and nutritious - all the packaged cereals were full of sugar, the prepared foods full of sodium and fat... it was not a good scene. This was a pre-packaged wrap (and I can't believe it cost $5!), and I was kind of pleased that there wasn't that much ham or cheese on it (maybe 1 oz of ham and one slice of cheese). I wish I'd known there was Caesar dressing - I thought it was just lettuce, and this definitely wasn't reduced-fat or low-cal.

When I got home in the afternoon, I ate the apple to add some fresh fruit and balance the meal.

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