Thursday, April 20, 2006

Breakfast, Day Sixty-Two

  • 2 slices whole wheat bread with 1 oz low-sodium ham, 2 oz Smart Beat fat-free cheese, 1 tbsp low-fat mayonnaise
  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 cup skim milk

I love these ham sandwiches so much it's a little absurd. I almost forgot about the milk (it's easy to do when it's really just a quick swallow). My boyfriend suggested I include the big glass of Diet Sunkist which I was actually going to be drinking with my meal.

Things are going much much better between the two of us, having had a few more good and productive talks. It's really nice to know we're back on the same side again. I also do find it easier to stick with my diet when my emotional life is on a more even course.

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