Monday, April 17, 2006

Dinner, Day Fifty-Nine

  • hamburger made with 3 oz lean ground beef, garlic powder, onion powder & 1/2 tsp Worcestshire sauce on a whole wheat bun
  • 1 cup lettuce with 1 tbsp fat-free French dressing
  • 1 apple

I was so thrilled to find a hamburger on my meal plan - somehow I hadn't realized that this was allowed!

I had talked some things out with my boyfriend Sunday night, and we're doing a lot better now. Because he is allowed to have hamburgers a-plenty on Atkins, we both had a lot of fun cooking and preparing them and had Diet Sunkist orange soda to complement the summertime feel.

Having so much beef also kept my energy way up for the rest of the evening, which made me very happy.

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